1910s Lucien Gaillard, Clamy Cueille Moi
Perfume Bottles Auction
Reston, Virginia
April 30, 2010
Our 2010 Perfume Bottles Auction staged in Reston, Virginia surpassed all expectations and generated the largest donation check ever written to the International Perfume Bottle Association.
Over 300 eager bidders in the salesroom competed with phone, internet, and order bids for rare and beautiful perfume bottles and related vanity items.
A few of the 80 page catalogs are still available at $39 including postage.
Our April 30th 2010 auction offered a spectacular array of bottles and vanity items spanning 200 years of artistic production, with an emphasis on such 20th century glass makers as Rene Lalique and Baccarat, and perfumers such as Rosine, Gabilla, Hudnut, Ybry, and Schiaparelli.
Items auctioned included property from the estates of a long time Baccarat collector, a popular vaudeville and radio actress, and from the exotic and provocative 1914 dancer known internationally as “Verona.”
The IPBA Perfume Bottles Auction is organized by renowned specialist Ken Leach, and will feature the “Antiques Roadshow” celebrity Nicholas Dawes as returning auctioneer.